
“I had a bad day” is taboo in Notre Dame

I stumbled upon an article yesterday in ChicagoTribune entitled
“Notre Dame QB Clausen: 'I had a bad day'”.

For some reason, I just can’t get the thought of our Quarterback
saying such a sentence. Credit to Jimmy for not making the ‘bug’
an excuse. Such a sentence being uttered conjures the image of a
National Championship slipping away (see Joe Paterno last week,
he had a bad day and puff there goes the Championship). Notre Dame
is nowhere close to close to a National Championship, but for a
team coming off its worst season last year, such a sentence is
inexcusable. I thought Notre Dame has rid itself of saying such a
sentence by saying “I had a bad day ALL SEASON” not a day.

But, such a sentence could never be uttered again by a Notre Dame
Student Athlete especially the quarterback (a kicker can even be
thrown in there). “I had a bad day” cannot be uttered in the final
month of the season, or else there would be dire consequences for
the program.

Jimmy Clausen saying “I had a bad day” after the NAVY game means
that our hope of being a contender in 2009 and 2010 is a foolish one.

Jimmy Clausen saying “I had a bad day” after the Syracuse game
means that Charlie Weis will not be back for next season (I’ll get
into that more in my next post).

Jimmy Clausen saying “I had a bad day” after the USC game does
not mean anything, but it would be nice not to get demolished by
the Trojans this time around
(See 2008 ND vs. USC game: 30 to Nil USC)

Jimmy Clausen saying “I had a bad day” after the Brut Sun Bowl
in El Paso Texas means that we have not won a bowl game for a
lot of years now.

Thus, I would like to see our players especially our Quarterback to
say these sentences in the upcoming weeks:

NAVY: “It was a highly contested win, but I’m glad we came out
with the victory.”

Syracuse: “7 touchdowns?... Yeah, it’s nice.”

USC: “Credit to my guys out there for fighting… today we
showed that this program is heading the right way.”

Sun Bowl: “We’re just glad to end Notre Dame’s loosing streak!”

If Jimmy says those words (or at least close to it), I think our
hope of a blissful 2009 and 2010 season is a reasonable one.
In 2009 and 2010, “I had a bad day” is taboo, and if Notre Dame
manages not to say those words again in a sentence for the
upcoming years, then a National Championship is not out of the

Photo from and nbcsports.msnbc


Anonymous said...

Hello Guam!

Just found your blog after your shameless self-promotion on BGS :)

Good luck with your efforts - if I can be a little presumptious I'd like to offer a couple of observations on your efforts so far?

1) A lot of us read and respond to blogs on mobile devices (it gives us something to do at the airport or wherever). I'm writing this on my Blackberry over a cocktail in my local bar. Be careful about background graphics that take an age to load - we want to read the content, not look at the header graphics.

2) Spellcheck. You might just be able to get away with some things, but you HAVE to spell "Fighting" properly!

3) Keep it offbeat. There's some seriously excellent ND blogs out there. Find your unique angle and stick to it.

That's it. Good luck and GO IRISH!