
The Art of War: Notre Dame Football Style

School started again, so I haven't posted any lately. Just trying to get settled in for what hopefully will be my last semester. Not a lot of news lately. Everything being posted right now has been posted 3 months ago. To summarize all ND news,

Weis in hot seat... Jimmy live up to expectations... O Line is big, big question mark that is... Manti mania in full bloom... Defense is young but fast... Stars are aligned... Pathetic schedule... OH YEAH, Dr. Lou Holtz saying crazy stuff again in national television that makes everyone laugh.

That's pretty much all of it.

Anyways, this is the time where everyone in the net and TV is predicting wins and losses for the whole season and prediction for the week 1 games. I could write a prediction for the Notre Dame and Nevada game like everyone else. I could look at the films or statistics and all that, but that has been done before for a kazillion times already so I decided to change it up.

I now release my new series "The Art of War: Notre Dame Football Style" to preview and predict who will win the football game. I got the idea from the History Channel.

Hope you guys tune in every Wednesday and subscribe for my predictions based on Sun Tzu's writings The Art of War. The prediction will solely be based on Sun Tzu's 13 chapters

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Maneuvering
VIII. Variation of Tactics
IX. The Army on the March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack by Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies

And nothing else. I figured if generals used these tactics in wars to help them lead the troops to victory then why not apply them to football. Since there are 13 chapters, there will be thirteen points. Thus there will be no ties and the team with the most points win. ND and its opponents each week will fight for every chapter.

Hope you guys read my first "The Art of War: Notre Dame Football Style" for week 1 against Nevada. Hopefully, ND gets enough points to win. Speaking of wars, hope every men and women serving this country stays happy and safe and may you find a way to watch some football. PEACE!

Cites: Sun Tzu picture, War picture, and writing from wikipedia.